Whenever you are in an interview, you must be asked the same questions again and again why you want this job? Why should you be hired? And all this. Here we will discuss some of the questions like this which will help you pass through these tough questions in the Interview. Some may have their answers and some might not recall them because of nervousness. So, let’s see how to tackle these questions.
Why do you want this job?
So most of the time you must have been asked this question why do you want this job? Not all of you must have the answer or some may be confused. We will discuss some of the points which you can answer in an interview.
- Enthusiasm towards the job:- The opportunities I will get through this job are appealing and I will be able to grow and learn more in the environment I want to work.
- You are very much eligible:- You can simply answer why do you want to do this job by explaining how are you eligible for the job. You can say that you are very much eligible for that specific job or I was not able to find that interest which I am sure I will find here. After reviewing the requirements, I believe that my expertise and would make me an asset to the team.
Why do you want to work here? Best Answer
Why do you want to work here is also among the top most asked questions. I will discuss some of the examples of this question.
- You can explain how passionate are you about the employer company/product etc. Employer wants to know how passionate you are about their company, product, or what they do.
- You can describe how can you succeed in the given role with the qualities you have. The employer is not only interested in your capabilities but is also interested in your future as the employer is investing in you and in the company’s future. You can express how confident are you about your role.
What not to respond?
We have discussed how to respond in an interview, and now we will discuss what not to respond.
- I just really need a job:- While you must think honesty is the best in an interview this answer will lead the interviewer to think that you are desperate for the job and you will not be a valuable asset to the company.
- The company is giving high pay:- If you answer that the company is giving a high salary this is a big no for the interviewer. Sometimes companies don’t want to hire people who are just oriented toward pay scale and not how can they be valuable to the company.
Also Read: A Complete Guide To How To Answer- What Are Your Career Aspirations.
Why do you want this job? Sample answers for freshers
Now I will be discussing some sample answers for freshers.
- The job which includes customer interaction:- I feel that I fulfill all the necessary requirements for this job I also enjoy interacting with customers. I have also worked as an intern in (x) company which has led me to develop skills in handling customers in difficult situations. I am sure my skills will be valuable to the company.
- Commerce graduate:- Through this job skills like communication, critical thinking, and creativity which I have learned a bit about in my school and college life, this job will surely enhance my skills. I have learned how to think analytically and critically about complicated business problems and communicate those findings, and I am sure it will be very valuable to the company.
What mistakes you should avoid?
- Talking about the company
- Learning your answer
- Talking too much about yourself rather than the company
Why do you want this job? Sample answers for Students
Now I will be discussing some sample answers for students and what mistakes they should avoid.
- Personal Growth: This job is really helpful for me and gives me a chance for my personal and professional growth. I will get to work under the seniors of this company which will help me to encounter problems that I will face in this journey.
- Career Growth: The job in this company and in this position is like the first step to my career. The job offers me a great opportunity for my career growth.
Mistakes you should avoid:-
- Talking about the company
- Learning your answer
- Talking too much about yourself rather than the company
So, we will hope that you get your answer and if still, you didn’t get your answer career advice right here or if you want to read about any particular topic then you can comment down below.