An urgent need for money requires someone to seek short-term financial support very desperately. You have only a few options in this situation. The very first route that will come to your mind is applying for a personal loan, but you should remember that it takes a lot of time to get one sanctioned by the banks. Another option is to borrow via credit card, which is very expensive because of the high-interest rates. Finally, your mind comes to a state where you feel desperate enough to take help from your relatives or friends. But this option too is very uncomfortable and embarrassing. However, you have a fourth very reliable option, which is to apply for an instant loan through different money-borrowing apps in India. Let’s look at the options you have.
Top 10 Instant Loan Apps in India To Cover Your Financial Needs:
1. IndusInd Bank
The IndusInd bank offers one of the best personal loan apps facility in India. Without any hassle, you can borrow up to ₹5 Lakh to fulfill your financial needs. There is zero processing fee on sanctioning the loan regardless of your use. Moreover, you will have the benefit of borrowing from the lender which is highly trusted across India.
What is the Instant Loan Eligibility?
- For salaried individuals: the income should be between ₹15,000 to ₹25,000.
- For self-employed: the gross annual income should be at least ₹5 lacks.
What is the maximum loan amount limit to get from IndusInd Bank instantly?
A person earning between ₹15,000 to ₹25,000 monthly can apply and get hassle free instant loan between ₹30,000 to ₹5,00,000.
2. PaySense
PaySense can alone be called one of the best instant loan apps in India. But after PayU acquires both PaySense and LazyPay, the platform will now become more featureful, reliable, and fast to offer loan facilities. This platform is known for offering loan facilities without hassle to show salary slips and other kinds of proof. A person can borrow INR 5,000 to INR 5,00,000 instantly sitting at home. Also, the loan repayment system is very convenient as they offer low EMI amounts to repay.
What’s the interest rate PaySense charges for Instant Loans?
The interest rate is between 1.08 to 2.33 percent per month if a person borrows from PaySense.
Is it safe to take out a loan from PaySense? In today’s time is PaySense safe?
If you are wondering if PaySense is safe or not then let me tell you that PaySense is safe and works within the law. It is a reputed NBFC registered with RBI to provide financial services including loan facilities. PaySense has also partnered with one of the major financial institutions in India such as Credit Saison, Fullerton, IIFL, PayUFinance, and IDFC First Bank.3.
3. MoneyTrap
Unlike its name, MoneyTrap is one of the fastest instant loan-providing apps in India. They can cover your every financial need from an expensive purchase to getting emergency funds during needy times. You can download the app from a trustworthy source like Google Play Store or Apple App Store. Also, with flexible EMI options the process is 100% paperless.
What is the maximum and minimum loan amount you can apply for?
With MoneyTrap you can get a loan of a minimum ₹3,000 and a maximum of ₹5,00,000 instantly without any paperwork.
What is the per-month interest rate?
MoneyTrap charges and monthly interest of 1.08 to 2.3 percent on their loans.
4. Dhani
It is not possible for Dhani to not be placed in the list of best instant loan apps in India. Dhani offers a 100% paperless loan facility which borrowers can avail of without showing physical documents. Moreover, when it comes to finding the best student loan apps in India then also Dhani is the best option to consider. From applying for a loan to its disbursal the complete process is online. If you have any query then customers can also take the help of 24*7 customer support.
What is the maximum and minimum loan amount you can apply for?
With MoneyTrap you can get a loan of a minimum ₹1,000 and a maximum of ₹5,00,000 instantly without any paperwork.
What is the per-month interest rate?
Dhani charges and monthly interest of 1.0 to 3.17 percent on their loans.
5. Nira
When you want an instant solution to cover your financial needs then Nira is one of the top-notch instant loan apps in India. A simple registration process with Nira can get you a high amount of loan disbursal. The complete process is online from applying to getting the loan amount in your bank account.
What is the maximum and minimum loan amount you can apply for?
With MoneyTrap you can get a loan of a minimum ₹3,000 and a maximum of ₹5,00,000 instantly without any paperwork.
What is the per-month interest rate?
Nira charges a monthly interest of 1.5 to 2.5 percent on their loans.
6. CASHe
You can download the CASHe app from the play store and register yourself as one of the fastest and most reliable instant loan apps in India. This platform has a variety of loan options to offer you. Like others, CASHe also provides a 100% paperless loan facility with no collateral up to ₹5,00,000.
What is the maximum and minimum loan amount you can apply for?
With MoneyTrap you can get a loan of a minimum ₹5,000 and a maximum of ₹5,00,000 instantly without any paperwork.
What is the per-month interest rate?
CASHe charges a monthly interest starting from 1.75 percent on their loans.
7. Home Credit
To fulfill your short-term money problems you can truly rely on Home Credit, one of the easiest instant loan facility offering apps in India. With only two documents PAN and Aadhaar serving as address and income proof, users can borrow up to ₹2,00,000 completely online.
What is the maximum and minimum loan amount you can apply for?
With MoneyTrap you can get a loan of a minimum ₹10,000 and a maximum of ₹2,00,000 instantly without any paperwork.
What is the per-month interest rate?
Home Credit charges a monthly interest starting from 2.4 to 3.3 percent on their loans.
8. PayMe India
PayMe India is another best loan apps in India to fulfill your short-term money problems. Whether you want to pay a bill urgently or make an expensive deal, PayME India is one of the quicken loan apps to rely on.
What is the maximum and minimum loan amount you can apply for?
With MoneyTrap you can get a loan of a minimum ₹1,000 and a maximum of ₹,00,000 instantly without any paperwork.
What is the per-month interest rate?
Home Credit charges a monthly interest starting from 2 to 6 percent on their loans.
9. India Lends
For every class of need and every financial occasion, India Lends has a premium variety of loan options. They specialized in offering mini loan amounts which are no more than ₹50,000. With only two documents PAN and Aadhaar you can get your loan disbursed in minutes. The process is completely online and paperless.
What is the maximum and minimum loan amount you can apply for?
With MoneyTrap you can get a loan of a minimum ₹15,000 and a maximum of ₹50,000 instantly without any paperwork.
What is the per-month interest rate?
Home Credit charges a monthly interest starting from 0.9 to 3 percent on their loans.
10. Navi
I think you have heard about Navi by now as they use advertisements frequently to target their target audience. Navi is a great platform to seek instant loan facilities in India. They are not only reliable but quick to offer their services. This app too gets your loan amount disbursed just after a few minutes of PAN and Aadhaar authentication.
What is the maximum and minimum loan amount you can apply for?
With MoneyTrap you can get a maximum loan of up to ₹20 Lakh instantly.
What is the per-month interest rate?
Home Credit charges a monthly interest starting from 9.99 percent on their loans.